We provide more than just financial support. Leveraging our team’s private equity, consulting, and engineering expertise we identify strategic and operational opportunities to catalyze sustainable long-term growth and success in our portfolio companies.

Our diversified network of industry experts has access to a wide range of resources, supporting us in delivering our sustainability projects and capitalizing on our investment opportunities.


Energy Service Companies (ESCos) | Consultants | Investors | Developers | Energy Producers (RES)

​Our value creation goes beyond the financial

  • Resource efficiency metrics
  • Green buildings development
  • Strategic guidance
  • Build stronger teams
  • Attract new partners /new markets
  • Utilize various financial tools
  • Improve financial planning & Analysis

​Green Energy Generated

  • Biofuels production
  • Energy saving
  • Pollution control metrics
  • C02 emissions reduced
  • Air cleaned
  • Water cleaned
  • Materials recycled